Sunday, July 1, 2012

Face your food demons with EFT and NLP

am Ashcroft from Ballaugh for story Lottie is doing on using NLP,EFT and other psychological methods of weight loss.
ONE Ballaugh woman has given up a career in the finance industry to dedicate her time to helping others with their emotional torments.
Pam Ashcroft spent 27 years working in IT before packing it in last December to become a practitioner of hypnotherapy, neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and emotional freedom technique (EFT).
These are all proven techniques for dealing with psychological issues including anxiety, depression and phobias. EFT has been particularly successful with soldiers suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
One area in which she has found the methods particularly successful is helping clients to lose weight – and now she has set up a new innovative group for people battling with weight issues.

How to Use the Power of NLP to Change Your Life in 7 Days (Complete in One Post)


In “7 days to NLP Success: How to Persuade Anyone, Lose Weight and Achieve Anything.” I’ve broken down some of the basic NLP principles into seven days. On each day you will learn a little about a basic NLP principle and how you can use this to improve a specific area of your life.

To start your journey of discovery about Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) there are a basic series of presuppositions which will be useful for you to learn. By studying the basic foundational principles you will begin what will hopefully be a life long journey of self discovery and improvement.


One of the major reasons that people become interested in NLP is for personal development. Almost all of us feel that we are not quite at the level that we could be performing at. Not only is this a feeling natural, it is a good one too. The desire to develop oneself is what drives us forward to a higher plane of greatness. NLP can provide you with the tools that you need to develop yourself into the person you know you can be.


Perhaps the most precious resource that we have is time. Although we may sometimes think that money is more important than the time we spend on acquiring it this is not in fact true. Money is abundant and there is an almost infinite supply of it. Whereas time is something that each of us has in a very limited supply. In order to accomplish what we would like to achieve we must manage our time effectively. Being able to manage your time will allow you to get more done, feel less stressed and free up more spare time for other things that you like to do.


Many people would like to improve the quality of their relationships. Whether it is with a family member or your partner having well functioning relationships is essential to living a healthy life. It is also important to have well functioning relationships in business as well. Being able to relate with your colleagues, boss or employees is vital for the success of your career. One of NLP’s greatest strengths is in improving the quality of relationships and communication between people.


One of the most effective ways to improve you self confidence is through affirmations. Affirmations are a way for you to change any belief that may be holding you back. A well written affirmation can help you to achieve the outcome in life that you desire. Whether we like it or not, we self talk to ourselves all day. However if you don’t take control of this self talk it can easily become negative. These are negative affirmations such as “I’m not a confident person.” Or “I’m going to fail.” You will need to replace the negative affirmations with positive affirmations.


The NLP practitioner has a certain approach when it comes to making sales. In essence the approach is about building a relationship first and then making a sale. You should ask yourself, what is more profitable? Making one sale through hard selling techniques, burning your client out, and never selling that person again. Or is a better approach to develop a relationship with that person. Finding out what they want and what their problems are, and then providing a solution to their problems. By building a relationship with your client you will be able to sell them your product and service multiple times. Overall developing relationships and addressing the actual needs of your customers is both more profitable and straight out less work.